Board of Education Meetings
The Board of Education conducts regular monthly business meetings. Board meetings are held as scheduled on Monday evenings at 6:30pm. In compliance with the Sunshine Laws of the State of New Jersey, at least 48 hours prior notice of the meeting stating time, dates, and location is sent to The Ridgewood News, The Record, The Suburban News, Wyckoff Patch, The Wyckoff Library and the Township Clerk.
Open Meetings / Executive Sessions
The Board must hold all meetings in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, the Sunshine Law, which states that all discussions and official actions of a public body must take place in public, except for specific exceptions. Board meetings operate under Robert's Rules of Order. Topics exempt from open discussion and which take place in closed or executive session include matters where the public interest would be endangered or personal privacy or guaranteed rights of an individual would be invaded. The board may discuss personnel, litigation or contract negotiations in executive session; however, no board action may be taken at that time.
Public Comments at Meetings
Board meeting agendas are always available to the public at each board meeting and on the district website. The agenda highlights the order of the proceedings and the topics to be discussed. The Board seeks comments from the public twice at each meeting. The first opportunity is under the agenda item, “Oral Communication on Agenda Items.” The public may address the board on any topic listed on the agenda at this time. The second time is towards the end of the agenda during “Oral Communication—Non-Action Items.” At this time any other comments or questions related to the Board’s conduct of the schools may be addressed. Sometimes there may also be an opportunity provided during the meeting for public input on a specific discussion topic. Speakers are asked to stand and state their name and address for the record before beginning their comments. The Board may not always be prepared to discuss an issue when presented; however the President or Superintendent will advise what action will be taken, if necessary, to address the concern.
Chain of Command
The Board values public input but we strongly support proper use of the “chain of command” as a positive way of solving problems or misunderstandings. The chain runs from classroom teacher, to the principal, to the superintendent, and finally to the Board. Our goal is for a solution to come from the person closest to the situation. The Board encourages open communication between the public and our schools.
A Guide to Board of Education Meetings in New Jersey
This brochure developed by the New Jersey School Boards Association outlines and delineates the roles and responsibilities of boards of education and superintendents; provides guidance for members of the public who wish to address matters of concern with their boards during public meetings; and explains board meeting procedures.
Meeting Schedule
January 6, 2025 - Reorganization Meeting
January 13, 2025
February 10, 2025
March 17, 2025
April 7, 2025
May 5, 2025
June 2, 2025
June 23, 2025
August 11, 2025
September 8, 2025
October 6, 2025
November 3, 2025
December 8, 2025